Monday, October 23, 2006

Michael Schumacher has retired

Its worth mentioning because he was a champion of the sport and has been a household name for years and congratulations to him for being perhaps the best driver the race has ever seen.

But, frankly, I’m pleased he’s retiring. The things that made him such an excellent driver, his cool clinical manner, his steely resolve and complete lack of charisma also made him a bore to watch. His utter dominance of the sport made the sport itself boring. Hell, they even tried changing the rules to make it more interesting. With his retirement we will hopefully see a more even and therefore exciting competition.

The best moments in racing are when drivers stop acting on instruction and start acting on impulse. Craig Lowndes is good case in point. Several weeks ago he drove an almost flawless race to win Bathurst. It was impressive, but hardly exciting viewing. Yesterday however, nowhere near the front, he blew his top, did something stupid and was given a drive through penalty for his behaviour. He then proceeded to fill the radio airwaves with expletives for the rest of the race. It was great! It was interesting, unpredictable and showed the punters exactly how much he wanted to win. Schumacher rarely showed that kind of emotion and the sport was the poorer for it. Every once in a while its nice see that race car drivers are human too.

Still, good luck to Schumacher in his retirement. Hopefully he’ll volunteer to do a Top Gear hot lap, I’d like to see that!

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