I heard Debbie Enker and Jon Faine talking about it a couple of weeks ago and so I know I’m definitely not alone in my love, but still, I feel the need to shout it from the rooftops. The program is, as they say, grouse.
I don’t drive a car. In fact, I don’t even have a licence. And I get to work by the slowest and most inconvenient form of transport possible (hello Yarra Trams if you’re watching) but I absolutely love to watch those boys making a mess out of cars and bikes and field and roads and tanks and whatever else they can think of.
I love Jeremy Clarkson and his old codger wit, but what I love most of all is The Stig. The reason? Well, this is his web page bio,
‘Some say he urinates 98 RON petrol, and that he can smell corners. No one knows when the Stig was born, or how. But we do know why he was placed upon the Earth. To drive quickly. He has a penchant for prog rock, and rumour has it, likes his eggs sunny side up.’
Need I say more?
If you don’t know what I am talking about then I have two things to say to you,
a) Where have you been?
b) SBS 7:30pm Monday.
Also, if you know if some way I can get my hands on one of those Stig t-shirts I will marry you. (If you want me to. I’m a pretty good cook, but I do get a bit grumpy in the mornings.)
I too dearly love Top Gear, but this is some seriously bad news.
Hope he's ok.
SBS had a string of text on last night's show with a link to their site where you can send best wishes - hope he pulls up OK.
Last night's episode was gold - getting car engine sounds in tune to make music happen.
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