Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Take your canvas bag, take your canvas bag...

I study at one university and work at another, and these two institutions could not be more different either geographically or ideologically. Yet, despite these differences, a fashion phenomenon seems to sweeping the student body at both institutions.

It is entirely unexplainable; it is… the country road canvas bag.

For those who are not in the know (ie. Me until a week ago), it looks like this…

Once the purview of Toorak gym-goers and weekend trips to Lorne, it appears the humble country road bag is now the hottest fashion accessory for the undergraduate set.

Why? Well, I’m not entirely sure.

All I can tell you as that it is not gender specific, that the most prevalent colours are ‘army’ and ‘deep lake’* and that they retail on ebay for a whopping 70+ bucks.

It may come as a surprise to you, but fashion has always been something of a mystery to me. And why anyone would pay that much for a canvas bag to carry their school books around in is probably going to remain a mystery, I fear.

*Yes these are actual colours (well, in the retail sense of the word 'colour'). Thank you to ebay for providing both the image and all of the information I could ever want about country road canvas bags.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting. Another cyclical fashion moment. Country Road bags were HUGE at my school in the early nineties (along with the Sportsgirl T-shirt). The logo and the shape were different, but the concept was the same.